So it begins.
For those of you unfamiliar, I am the legendary Dr Zodiac. Mad Cult leader, Visionary, Mystic and Artist. For the last few years I have been gathering a core group of followers to assist me in spreading a new mental disease. A sense of true consciousness that the world needs to experience. A new spiritual vision, mixed with a simple set of political views. Designed to bring about a true nirvana on earth. All we ask in return is that you turn over most of your free thought and 5 percent of your income. Which is a bargain when you consider that most churches ask you to tithe 10 percent.
I see some of you balking at the mention at the loss of free thought. Allow me to ask though, how many of you are letting someone else do your thinking for you? Do you attend Glenn Beck University? Yell Ditto at that meathead Limbaugh or swear that every Olberman special commentary is the gods honest truth? Congrats, you are turning over your own ability for free thought to them.
The desire to be told what you want to hear is as old as time. Sadly now as much as then people will happily tell you what you want to hear simply to keep you from noticing that their hand is in your pocket and raiding your wallet.
So allow me to introduce you to the first sacrament of the Church of Zodiac. Designed by my head of Research and Dementia and approved by the High Priest himself. When confronted by the great talking head on TV you are to look, listen, actually understand the words the person is saying as they relate to your own life.
Then midway through what they are saying stand up and yell. “DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK?!!” More often then not in the midst of some compelling conspiracy theory about how some politician wants us all to become part of a (Fill in the blank) socialist/fascist/communist Adolf Hitler inspired socio economic disaster. The person telling this little tale needs to hear those words. Preferably very loudly and in his face.
If I may impost a moment of real truth here. The people who own the networks where these things are said have all ready made large campaign contributions to the party they are pissing and moaning about. These contributions have all ready derailed any real system of regulating financial derivatives, and the people who did the most damage to that legislation were democrats. (Senator Christopher Dodd has a lot to answer for here.) This may not be what you want to hear, but it is a small and important taste of an odd and vanishing species known as truth. A taste for it can and should be acquired, and a larger audience for it is the only thing that may save the world we reside on.
So with that in mind please feel free to look at the talking head on TV and announce “DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK?!” It won't fix anything but will clear your mind long enough for you to have a clear rational thought that is all your own. It will also vent the frustration you feel knowing you are being talked down and lied to constantly.
Next week we discuss the churches method of sin absolution. Prepare to smile your way to paradise!