Monday, January 9, 2012

Yawn.... Wait WTF!!!

A long hiatus, or is it hangover I forget.. I got invited to a party in Omaha Nebraska, and I woke up in Reykjavik. Which sounds kind of dreary but is quite full of cute descendants of Vikings. So, I hung out for a bit. Which explains my absence. Of course when I returned someone turned on a TV. And before I could change the channel I saw it was Fox News. So in response to what I saw I must say.

Dear Bill O'reilly and Laura Ingraham

In regards to your comments regarding Planned Parenthood. A dissection of which can be found here. In it you said that the core of Planned Parenthood's business is abortion. Okay now I know that you are both talking heads for Fox News which probably means that you have to fail an IQ test to work there. But truth be told even pair of alleged intelligent people can notice that 3% of a business is not what one would call A core to build a business around. So let me make a few points clear.
1) I like pussy, there is no getting around that. The Cult of Dr Zodiac is a sex positive religion. And truth be told we view sex as a sacred matter to be indulged in with total abandon.

2) What I am and the members of my church are not fond of are STD's pregnancies for people totally unready to be parents, and lack of treatment for the routine infections to genitalia that happen in the course of daily life. The genuine core of Planned Parenthood's business deals with all of these issues. So the Church of Dr Zodiac as a organization firmly supports them in their continuing medical efforts.

3) Did I mention I am fond of pussy? So with that in mind Miss Ingraham could you perhaps not speak on the subject when we are uncertain as to whether or not you actually posses a vagina?

4) BillO. Allow me to say as a fellow Irish American I would like to say that your capacity for passing of ignorance as truth does nothing for your ethnicity at all, in fact you are helping to reinforce a number of stereotypes about the loud mouth dumb Mick. Please change your name to reflect something a bit more ignorant. Perhaps something like Smith or some other English surname.

5)Regarding: Pussy, and my desire of, I'll be honest the only reason it comes in slightly behind air in my desires in life is that it's difficult to enjoy anything sexual when I'm passed out due to asphyxia. With that in mind I tend to respectful of the people who A) provide it and B) maintain it. I have a simple rule on this subject, if you don't respect something you should get none of it. Which is why I am starting a campaign to get women to not have sex with either you, or anyone who is a fan of yours.

6) There is no point number 6.

7) Pussy, I'm a fan, just to point it out.

More new initiatives to recharge the church soon. Now then get out there and absolve some sins!!

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